When we moved, Trav was less than thrilled with moving all of my books, but I refused to give them to GoodWill. They are like my own personal trophy collection (I have never been very athletic, hence I have no actual trophies, so I take great pride in my books :-). We also recently found ourselves bargaining over who gets to use the computer in the evenings. We both love to surf the internet. My surfing tends to be the blog-hopping variety.
Before Christmas we found out that the Nook Color has an internet feature and we joked about how this could solve a couple problems for us. Number one being that all of my new books would be electronic and not actually take up any physical space. Number two being that I could stalk my favorite blogs on the Nook, leaving Trav with free reign of our laptop. Plus, Nook books are cheaper than regular books. The more we talked about it the better it sounded.
I hoped he would get me one, but I didn't know for sure... until Christmas morning. I was so excited when I opened it! What a great hubby he is!!! We have found that it comes in really handy for even more than we originally thought. It has a couple of games like crossword and sudoku puzzles. We have found that we love to work on crossword puzzles together while we are driving, or waiting for our food in a restaurant. Do we sound like senior citizens? Yikes!
Here is a photo of my new beauty.
I just wanted to share my bliss over my new obsession and mention that I have decided to take breaks from project posts and throw in posts about my reading list from time to time. How fun!
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