Here is a little story to warm up your "after the holiday blues"... I meant to actually post it during x-mas, but just never got around to it.
As Trav and I were putting up our Christmas decorations this year, we realized that we were a little short on supplies. We thought that we had plenty, but quickly figured out that we had more than enough for our little condo which was half the size of our new house. This year our decorations looked a bit sparse.
In typical Sara fashion, I turned to my favorite blogs for help. I was on the hunt for cheap DIY projects. ALAS, I found a cool post for making a cheap ornament wreath on one of my new fave blogs, Fingerprints on the Fridge. Check it out if you have a minute, it's great!
All I needed to make this was... 1) a wire hanger and 2) a bunch of glass bulb ornaments. EASY!!! Anyone who knows me well, knows about my love of the Dollar Tree. So, I headed there in search of ornaments and found all that my heart could desire! I bought 6 packages of different colored ornaments. I was a little worried about the wire hanger part though. The previous owners of our house left us with an abundance of wire hangers, which I promptly threw out because I think they are the devil. Once I got home from the dollar store, I went on a hunt for any remaining wire hangers. Luckily, I found one who had escaped my wrath.
I started sliding the glass ornaments onto the wreath using the metal hoops at the top of each ornament and in no time at all I had a great looking x-mas wreath.
Remember, this post is called "Christmas Wreath Wreck". So here is where the wreck part comes into play. My hanger was all filled up and was ready to tie the two ends together. The last step was to tie a lovely piece of red ribbon at the top so that we could hang it from our door. I asked Trav to use his big strong muscles to wrap the two ends of the wire together to complete the circle. He had no trouble with this, except for the small fact that the bulbs kept popping off their toppers. Unfortunately, I had overlooked the small step of hot gluing the metal toppers on each ornament. Trav was having a hell of a time getting the two ends together AND trying to manage all of the bulbs popping off. And then finally, in a Christmas miracle he was able to get the wreath finished with all bulbs back on their toppers. What a swell guy! He was walking the wreath over to me in the kitchen when IT happened...
It was like one of those moments where time slows down and everything goes into slow motion... One little bulb jumped off the wreath! Trav being the awesome husband that he is, reached out to catch the bulb... I can picture it now. Trav saying "Oooohhhh Nnnnooooo!" in the deep slow motion voice that they use in the movies. While Trav was reaching out trying to catch the stray bulb with one hand, the wreath slipped out of his other hand and went smashing to the ground.
Many of the bulbs broke into tiny smithereens. Here is proof! I had to capture this mishap on film.
Now, the survivor bulbs are tucked away safely in a storage box in the crawl space, until... next year... (enter the Jaws music theme).
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