I recently made a trip over to one of my favorite craft stores, Hobby lobby. It seems like I've been spending an awful lot of time at the crafts stores lately... Anyway, while looking around I found the cutest framed art. It was the word "home" written in different fonts with the H on the left side and the other three letters stacked on top of each other down the right side. It was in a black frame attached to a black ribbon for hanging. I loved it!
Hobby Lobby was selling it for $14.99. I really considered buying it but then thought better of it. I knew that I could make this for much cheaper. And I did... for under $7.00!
Here is what I used for this project:
1) 1 piece of vellum scrapbooking paper ($0.69)
2) 1 piece of dark gray scrapbooking paper (free-I already had it)
3) printed letters "Home"
4) black frame ($4.99 clearance at Target)
5) black ribbon (free- I already had it)
I started by printing out "Home" using different fonts and then cut the letters out. I used these as tracers, and traced onto the gray paper. Then, I cut the gray letters out. I'm really starting to think that I need one of those Cricut things.
Next, I cut the vellum down to size for the frame and then attached the gray letters to the vellum using scrapbook adhesive tape. Finally, I attached the vellum to the backing of the frame and put it all together. The last step was to cut the ribbon and attach it to the hook on the back of the frame.
Now it is hanging next to our front door and I am so glad that I decided not to buy it at Hobby Lobby!

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