I have been wanting a cute wreath for our front door, and thought it would be neat to have one for each season. But I wondered where I would store them all when they weren't in use. Then one day I found a cute wreath idea on Living Life Crafty and thought it would be cute to have for our front door. I thought about it for a couple of weeks and then decided that I must make one. I also figured out a plan to incorporate my seasonal wreath idea. I would make a simple and bare wreath and then add seasonal items that could be switched out with each changing season. This way, I won't have to store a bunch of wreaths. Instead, I could just store the accessories. Once I had that plan in mind, I just had to do it!
I took myself to Joanne's and found a simple wood branch wreath for $3.99 and an M for McChesney. You know me and monograms, I just love them. I also bought some black, outdoor, craft paint, red ribbon and a couple stems of red artificial berries.
I started by painting the M black.
Next, I attached the M to the wreath using small red ribbon that I happened to have. Let me just say, this was not my first choice of materials to use to attach the M. I was hoping to use fishing line, but unfortunately we are not fishers, hence no fishing line. I know it doesn't look the best, but I figured that I could get away with it because of the red berries that I was going to add later. I plan to switch out the red ribbon for the fishing line when I dress it up for spring. This will give me a couple of months to find some.
Once the M was attached I added the berries in clumps of three, sporadically around the wreath. Lastly, I cut a long piece of thick red ribbon and tied it loosely around the top of the wreath.
Now, our lovely winter wreath is hanging on our front door. I love it! AND it will be easy to change out when spring comes around. The sooner the better, I say!

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